StepByStep Apps for the treatment of word finding in aphasia.

What is the StepByStep Approach to word finding aphasia therapy?

The evidence-based approach consists of three key components:

  1. Apps for word finding therapy that are personalised based on a patient's specific language profile and personal interests;

  2. Encouraged self-management for intensive word finding practice, which can be supervised and adjusted via telehealth;

  3. The Total CHAT App facilitates the generalisation of newly learned words into everyday conversations.

StepByStep Apps

StepByStep Word finding therapy: focuses on impairment-based word finding therapy. Through personalised exercises, users can practise retrieving and producing words, which are the most important for effective communication in everyday life. It uses speech recognition to adjust the level of difficulty according to progress in real time.

Total CHAT: is designed to encourage users to apply the words and language skills they've been practicing on the therapy App in real-life conversations. This app facilitates the transition from therapeutic exercises to everyday communication, making the skills learned through Aphasia Therapy more applicable and useful in daily life.

Aphasia Hub: Aphasia Hub simplifies access to the suite of therapeutic tools and resources, making it easier for users with communication challenges to engage in therapy and apply their skills in everyday situations.

Telehealth: Telehealth App is a crucial component for professionals. This app allows therapists to monitor their clients' progress and adjust the therapy plan remotely, ensuring that the therapy remains effective and responsive to the user's evolving needs.

Explore the evidence

The Big CACTUS randomised controlled trial demonstrated clinical effectiveness of the StepByStep approach to improve word finding for people with aphasia
— The Lancet Neurology, 18(9), 821-833
StepbyStep plus usual care resulted in a clinically significant improvement in personally relevant word finding, at any age and any length of time post stroke
— Quote Source